Sunday, March 18, 2007

Welcome To SoundWave Music

This is the first post for SoundWave Music. SoundWave Music is the official blog for everything surrounding the Radio Show 'SoundWave' on CFUR Thursday evenings 6PM - 7PM (If you are in the same timezone as British Columbia)

You can find my official BLOG where, up to this point at least, I've been tracking the music as well as everything else I've been up to here. Bear in mind, I have a number of online projects on the go. So if you wonder what I'm talking about in some of my posts, I could be talking about a project you arn't familiar with.

This BLOG was created because the URL to my main blog is too complicated to say over the air (mostly thanks to the '~' in it) All the music over the air (as well as some juicy extra tidbits - if any at all) will be posted here.

For those who havn't heard of SoundWave before, SoundWave is a radio show on CFUR airing once a week with me (DJ Frozen IceCube) as your host. SoundWave explores the genres of electronica/dance. It emphasises indipendently created music and hits as many tastes (some can be potential tastes I'm sure) as possible. It mainly airs Drum N' Bass as well as trance. Though I also try and air other similar genres including HardCore, Electro, Goa-Trance, Hard Dance etc.

SoundWave is also a strong supporter of the Creative Commons movement which houses some of the finest electonica music around. So not only are they aired and listed in this blog, they also get linked to as well so anyone with an internet connection (and how can you read this blog without one?) can download and listen to the music as much as you like! (or in some cases, need to log-in to download, but most are, at least, streamable)

Even if you don't listen to the station or my show, I hope you enjoy the music anyway.

Now I will start cross-posting my earlier posts here nand hopefully get this BLOG up-to-date as soon as possible. :)

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